Friday, May 19, 2006

what a trick

Kyle played a trick on me tonight, you guys. See, I haven't been eatin' my dinner really good lately, 'cause I knows there's better stuff - people stuff - in the frigerator. So I get all picky, like a cat does, and people give me some of their stuff. Then I don't need all of mine.

One of my faverit things is baloney. Another is cottage cheese. If I don't eat my food, sometimes they put a little CC or little pieces of loney on the top. I eat it off, and a little of my food, and I'm done.

The trick Kyle pulled on me was to put the baloney on the bottom. He put it on the bottom under my food, an' I had to eat all my food to get to it! What kinda trick is that!? Inyway, my tummy is full and I'm ready to take a good nap, after I get my medsin, in little pieces of cheese. I love cheese!

Smell ya later.

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