Monday, May 22, 2006

hard rode

Wail folks, I feel like I been rode hard and put up wet. That's a horse thing and I'm not a horse I'm a dog, but I know what it's like.

I got really sick night befur last. I couldn't breathe good and I was so weak, like a baby bird except not hungry either. Kyle had to take me to the hospital -- in the middle of the night, when I'm supposed to be sleepin'!

They took blood outta me - Ow! - and took pictures of my insides, and den. Yer not gonna believe this poop. They put me inna cage. Like when I get a bath, but this cage was a plastic box with air comin in. They left me in there all night, and Kyle came and brought me a toy. And he petted me through a hole in da box, and I tried to get out through it, but only my head would go. And Kyle left my toy and went away and came back -- a long time later -- and brought me home.

So I'm home now and I feel better. I can breathe pretty good. I had some breakfast. Kyle says we gotta go see the vet pretty soon. If he leaves me there again, I'm gonna bite him good.

Smell ya later.

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