Saturday, August 30, 2008

Howdy to Laber Daze Weekend!

Laber Day means Cookie Day in Pomeranian! Make wif da cookies Kyo, you hooplehead!

Posted by Happy

Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is me, sayin Howdy to you.

I waive like this when I wants a cookie or cheesypoofs or liberworst. (I gets my medicine in cheese or liberworst.)

Kyle took this with his silly phone, so it's not a real good video, but it's really me.

Sniff ya later.

Posted by Happy

Saturday, August 09, 2008

dinner dance

Sorry I haven't written nuthin in a while. Ize working on an essay, a dialectic really, on the aesthetics of quantum napping. Meanwhiles, here's a widdle video.

I does a little dance when Mama carries my dinner over to set it down in my place. Usually, I twirl a lot. Dis time, I saw Kyo wif his phone camera and got a little distracted.