Tuesday, February 21, 2006

me & my woobie

Me & my woobie Flickrated by kyle. Click it to make it bigger!
Kyle took a pitcher of me wif my woobie today. So you can see how neat it is.

Wanna see me makin' it squeak?

Sometimes people ask us dogs and cats, "What's a woobie?" A woobie is something you love, besides a person or anudder pet. It's something precious and dear. Could be a storebought toy or a sock, a pillow, maybe yer leash or a chewie. I don't know what kinda woobies cats like. Things wif string maybe, or feathers.

I have a chewie wahhide bone too, sumplace. I like ta gwab it an try an toss it inna air!

OK, smell ya later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cool woobie! I bet Tasha left it for you, so that you'd remember her. Enjoy!

Smell ya later!