Wail, today was the day I had to go to the vet fur my checkup. I've been to da vets a lot lately, I tell you what. It's only been 3 days since my bath, and 4 days since the hospital, and my last checkup on Monday.
Dad and Kyle took me downtown this afternoon when it was nice and warm. I got really excited when we got there, and I coughed a lot. There were dogs and people and even cats! But I was OK. We went to wait in a little room, and we had to wait a long time, because the vet was pretty busy taking care of dogs and cats.
The vet said my heart is working good, and my pulse is good, and my lungs are clear. Which is all good news. I don't have to take quite so much of the medicine that makes me drink lots of water and pee a lot too. And I don't hafta go back to the vets for 3 or 4 weeks, unless I get sick or I need a bath. I probly will need a bath, 'cause I likes to go out in the grass in the sun and roll around, getting dirty. I know you do too.
Smell ya later.