Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It Has Been Lots Of Fun!

Wail everbuddy, it's a very big day for me. A very sad day for my peoples - Kyo is crying while he types this fur me - but fur me it's big and I'm not afraid.

Kyo took me to the park this morning, which is why I'm too tuckered out to type. I drove the whole way in my buggie. I drives it, Kyo pushes.

Don't furgit, you can clicks picher to make em bigger.

When we gots to da park, I got out a climbed a little hill! And Kyo took a video of me. I don't look very old and sick, do I? Kyo sez I am very beautiful.

When I finished sniffing and walking around in my park, I said goodbye because it has been a good park. Even though, I did grab some chicken off the ground there once, almost 4 years ago. I bit Kyo when he tried to take it away, and I gots a bone in my throat and had to go to da hospital fur surgery. The chicken wasn't really good either.

Bye bye, park!

Yesterday, we all wents to another park and I had good chicken with my Dad and Mama.

That was a good time.

My peoples say that today the doctor is coming to the house just fur me. They never has come to the house before. But when the do, I'll be all better. I don't be sick and weak anymore, or even an old doggie. I will run Happy run, and be free with all my old dog buddies and people too. Ize lookin' forward to that, an like I said I'm not afraid.

Sniff ya later!

Posted by Happy

Saturday, July 04, 2009

sleepy me

Here iza picher of me Kyo took today wif his sillyfone. I has a sleepy!

I think if you clicks it, it gets bigger. If you clicks me, I bites.

Sniff ya later.

Posted by Happy

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Monday, June 22, 2009

on deck

Here's a picher of me that Kyo took yesterday, while I was standing on the deck, waiting for my lunch.

If you clicks it, it gets bigger. Go ahead.

Sniff ya later.

Posted by Happy

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Friday, June 19, 2009

A Walk in the Park

Kyo took me to da park today, in my buggie. I drove, he pusht.

I'm walkin better den I was a couple weeks ago. Pretty straight, but not very fast. I gets acpuncture, herbs and stuff. Maybe I'm gettin' old and not very hungry, but I'm still Happy. I love getting hugs and walking in the grass. Sometimes, in my yard, I breaking into a run for no reason but joy.

Say prays for my kidneys, OK?

Love ya, sniff ya later!

Posted by Happy

Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy: an up day

I think Happy is walking better, less staggering and wobbling. We went to the park twice with her doggie buggie today, both times her idea, and she walked part of the way each time. In the afternoon, we had a brief light rain, and Happy went out to feel it coming down.

Here's a video of her running into the house today. She likes to break into a little run once a day, just for the joy of it.

Happy seems to be more up and lively in the morning than in the afternoon. But today, is she was perkier in the PM than she was yesterday.

It's not all roses. Happy's still very weak and tired. And she's having a strange problem with her mouth. Sometimes it doesn't seem to work right for her, and she has trouble taking small bites of food. So still plenty of reasons for concern, but also reasons for hope.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Happy's still sick

Happy's still not well. She's weak and wobbly. She spent all day yesterday at the vets, for observation, and she was better there. I don't know why.

She's taking all her medicine like the great, brave little doggie she is. And she ate some food and got lots of rest today.

We're keeping up her treatments and waiting and hoping for the day when she turns the corner and feels better.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

sick day: Ize earned it

Herez a picher of me yesterday, feelin' yucky and tryin to get some sleeps. Kyo tried to sneek in an take it wif his sillyfone. But you cant sneeks up onna Happydog, even if the Happydog is sick. I woked up an said, Kyo you hooplehead, Ize tryin ta sleeps.

Posted by Happy

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Ruff Day

Happy had a ruff day. So weak and wobbly that we wound up taking her back to the vet again, for an ultrasound. She was dehydrated, so they gave her some fluids, which made her feel better.

There's no big ugly tumor in her little belly, which is what we were most worried about. Almost certainly she just has what the vet called "a nasty ulcer." But she's less anemic than yesterday, which is really good.

So our little buddy is on the mend, and I'm relieved. I really can't spare any friends right now, you know?

Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A Health Setback

Happy has been getting weaker over the last few days, especially early today. And her poop was very dark this morning. So we took her to the vet today.

Her red blood cells are down "dramatically; " she's anemic. Her last blood test was just May 23, and this wasn't there. She has tenderness in her abdomen and low appetite. Which means she has an ulcer or something worse. She's bleeding somewhere in her GI tract, if I understand.

The vet sent blood to the lab for a complete workup, and we started her on a medicine for ulcer - sucrasomething. We should have lab results tomorrow, and we'll go from there. The vet says if it's not an ulcer, it could be something like a tumor in her belly. The next step would be an ultrasound.


Prayers please!

Monday, June 01, 2009

My Pumpkin And My Squirrel

I likes pumpkin, on crackers. Chips and dips. Here's a movie of Kyo givin me some pumpkin cracker, and makin me woof fur it.

I has lotsa toys. Dey is my toys. You messes wif my toys, I gonna grrr at ya really loud. Here's me an Dad, an the lesson about messin wif my toys.

Turn yer speakerz up!

Posted by Happy

me, yesterday

Kyo tookt this picher of me yesterdays. Is not a bad picher, but is a weird picher. Maybe is too close. Makes my eyez look funny. I is not a funny dog, I is a Happy dog.

Posted by Happy

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When Kyo cam over yesterday, he founded me an Dad onna Deck, eatin my orange. I gets my orange fresh right off a tree in my yard.

Ize a fruit eatin dog. I like every kind of fruit there is. Apples an naners is my favorites. I don't gets grapes and rasins, my I don't no why.

Posted by Happy

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Monday, May 25, 2009



Wail Ize feelin better you guys! Still a little weak an wobbly, but no more epersodes of weirdness. Ize playin and havin happysnaks and goin fur rides in my camper. Herez a piktur of me in my camper about 20 mintues ago. Click it fur much bigger!

Ebry dog needs a camper!

Posted by Happy

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Saturday, May 23, 2009


Wail dats enuf of Kyle typing fur a while. Iz my blog.

Herez me, starring inna video of me taking my Dad fur a walk. Kyle will probly never make it bigz in da industry if he cant keeps his own shadows outta da film.

I don't know why Kyle don't sez nothin, 'cept I guess he's too busy wif da camera to remember his lines. Dat's Dad dubbing my lines, just cuz I only speak Pomeranian.

Don't give up yer day jobs Kyle, you hooplehead, iz my points.

Posted by Happy

Health Update

Happy is showing signs of improvement, we think. Some episodes of wobbling and weakness today, but by and large she was putting forth a great effort to be her usual self.

We got lab results from the vet, which showed her thyroid was "way too high." She's been on the supplement for a long time, and it is monitored, so we don't know how it suddenly got so far out of range. But high thyroid can cause dizziness, disorientation, etc. So we're really hoping that she hasn't had a stroke after all, and that she'll be OK when her thyroid level goes down.

Friday, May 22, 2009

News: Happy had a Health Crisis

We had a very scary event with our Happy dog today. We all thought we were about to lose her, but she seems to have rallied and gotten past the crisis.

Over the past few days, Happy had about 3 of what seemed to be dizzy spells, with a little disorientation. It passed in a few minutes. So we made an appointment and this morning Dad took her to the vet. They did blood work and a general checkup and sent her home. She seemed fine.

After the vet visit, Happy had another episode, much worse. She had trouble standing, walking, and walked in circles, and she was very weak.

We took her back to the vet. The doctor kept her for a couple of hours' observation and some fluids. She thinks Happy has had a series of small strokes or TIAs. She prescribed a very low dose of asprin in solution; about 1/30th of a baby asprin.

We'll get the lab results tomorrow. In the mean time, Happy seemed better this evening. She ate her dinner and some cookies, and ran a little in the yard, though we were trying to keep her quiet. And when I left, she got up and followed me to the door.

Broken heart don't feel so bad
Ain't got half a what you thought you had
Rock your baby to and fro
Not too fast and not too slow

Here's a photo I took of Happy with my phone this afternoon.

And here's a little phone video. I can't tell you how nice it was to hear this little voice.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Happy Weekend

It was good weekend for a Happy dog. We wents fur walks, to parks, da beech, and we eated cookies. Dis wittle video was taken at Tasha's favorite place in Carpinteria, in the middle of a Happy sunny afternoon. Der was lots of peoples and dogs. It was pretty great, sept that Kyle woodnt lets me stick my nose in da weeds. He sed der was foxtails, but I didn't see no foxes, didn't even smell 'em.

Sniff ya later.

- Posted by Happy

Monday, April 27, 2009


Here's a new video of me. I'm standin in the shade of a tree in my yard, zoomin past Dad's workshop, back into da yard, and out by da birdbaf. Den I waited fur Kyle to chase me sum more.

Kyle tookt dis wif his sillyfone.

Posted by Happy

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Trubbles

Boy did I get into sum trubbles today. Kyle came over to takes me fur a walk, and help Dad wif some stuff. Den I mades my devious plan. One minute I was out in the back yard, looking for stuff to get stuck in my tail, the next minute I completely disappeared. I waited until Kyle went inna house to make his lunch, and poof, I was gones, baby.

Kyle looked fur me, and gots Dad to help, and dey gots Mama and everbuddy was lookin' fur me and yellin and whistling. Dey lookt under the bushes an inna closets and unner the beds. All the doors and gates was lockt. All dem peoples freakt out! It was funnier den poop.

Dey never did figger out where I was hidin. I just walked inna house an said Hi, cookies please. An you bedder bet yer sweet kazoo I got em! Ha ha ha.

Den Kyle mades a movie of me gettin tweets.

Sniff ya later.

Posted by Happy