Sorry I haven't written nuthin in a while. Ize working on an essay, a dialectic really, on the aesthetics of quantum napping. Meanwhiles, here's a widdle video.
I does a little dance when Mama carries my dinner over to set it down in my place. Usually, I twirl a lot. Dis time, I saw Kyo wif his phone camera and got a little distracted.
I wished I had my camera wif me yesterday, when Kyle took me to town. I saw a big dog which was berry strange. He most mostly light brown, cept his head which was mostly black. He had fuzzy mudflaps on his back legs like me or like a Collie, and a black head like a lab.
I barked and barked at him and Kyle and Dad told me to hush, and that dog never did come over to play wif me. I couldn't even get a good smell of him. So that's all I can tell ya.
Wail, he finally showed up. We went fur a ride inna pickup truck, then to the park fur a walk. But first, I had to run back and forth to the back door, just trying to get Kyle to come on. You can watch me do that here.
That's my Dad in the video too. He takes berry good care of me, an' gives me my medisins 3 times a day. I'm on lots of medisins fur my little heart. But watch me run!
I hads to go to the vets yesterday and take a test. I guess it was a pop quiz, 'cuz I didn't even get a chance to study.
I gots my grades back today and it was all A's. The doctor said my tests were "beautiful;" all my cells are the right colors, and my liver and kidneys are cookin' with gas. My thyroid is a little high - I guess that's an A+. So tomorrow I gets a new medicine dose. That's OK with me.
Kyle came over today an we played with my hedgehog. Scroll down to see him.
Wail it's been a long tail - I mean time - since I bloggered. We went far away fur Christmas, but we came home. An I'm doin pretty good. I feel fine as frog's fur.
Here's a picher of me ridin inna car wif Kyle and my family, on our way up to the cat house in the woods to wait fur Santa.
That's my friend Hedgehog riding with me there. I got him fur Christmas last year. Hedgehog used to be a movie star, in Russia. You can watch his movie now.
On July 8, 2009, we took off Happy's leash and collar so she could run free across The Rainbow Bridge. So she's waiting there with all of our loved ones, until we catch up too.
Please feel free to browse through her old posts. She had a special way of writing, ending many messages with, "Sniff Ya Later."